scale with a growth agency.
full-funnel enrollment calculator
Use the Calculator on this page to see a clear view of student enrollment conversion throughout the marketing and admissions process.
Here at Sonority Group, we understand it can take a lot of work to keep track of the various elements that go into reaching your enrollment goals. That's why we've created a powerful tool to simplify the process.
Our innovative calculator takes all the guesswork out of enrollment, giving you real-time insights and data to help you stay on track. Plus, it's easy to use and completely free — no signup required!
You can also read our post on How To Increase Enrollment with 5 Key Metrics for more helpful information on enrollment management (and how to maximize using the calculator below).
Enter your data in the text boxes below.
The dashboard will populate with your results.
Calculator tips:
We suggest emailing the results to yourself, so you have your data handy to review with us.
Determine a set time frame for your enrollment conversion data. For example monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
Larger time frames will help you better understand true performance over time and not focus on the short-term fluctuations that occur
Compare different time periods to identify trends or possible trigger events that fueled growth or declines in student enrollment
Would you like to review your results and learn how they compare to other institutions?
Complete the form and request a no-obligation Enrollment Funnel Assessment. In this call, we will review your current enrollment initiatives, results, and talk through your areas of opportunity.
You will leave with guidance on how best to move forward with your strategy and the keys to success in doing so!
Let's chat!
about sonority group
Sonority Group is a marketing and enrollment optimization company dedicated to helping organizations reach their goals. We use data-driven strategies to develop tailored campaigns that deliver exceptional results.
Our team of passionate experts is dedicated to achieving measurable success by leveraging the latest insights and cutting-edge technologies. With years of experience, we possess an unparalleled understanding of the marketing, advertising, and website initiatives that drive client success.
our services
supercharge your marketing and sales efforts
generate and convert more quality leads.